Central Java

Prambanan Temple featuring building ruins and heritage architecture
Java’s ancient heartland, this central region features Buddhist, Hindu and Islamic monuments set against a backdrop of simmering volcanic mountains.

With its beauty, history and mesmerizing landscape, Central Java is a captivating region within Indonesia’s largest and most populated island. Ancient monuments, religious landmarks and magnificent architecture make Central Java a relaxing alternative to the urban sprawls of the island’s east and west. Explore picturesque Yogyakarta, see impressive UNESCO World Heritage Sites or climb to the crater of an active volcano.

Get an introduction to Javanese traditions and culture in Yogyakarta, known affectionately to locals as Jogja. The city’s architecture ranges from traditional Buddhist temples to ornate mosques and colonial Dutch façades. Wander down beautifully preserved streets and admire the showcase of cultural heritage. Escape into a mystical world of swirling batik designs, shadow-puppet performances and gamelan music.

Visit the magnificent Sultan’s Palace (Kraton Ngayogyakarta) or Kota Gede, the capital of a former Islamic kingdom, to find a collection of splendid buildings, mosques and gardens. Today, you’ll find the old city streets lined with silver workshops. Check out the historic port city of Semarang or experience centuries of authentic Javanese tradition in Solo (Surakarta). Try local specialties of coconut-infused chicken and jackfruit, spring rolls and sweet bakpia pastries.

Walk among the breathtaking ruins of Prambanan, an ancient Hindu temple complex, or explore the monumental temples of Borobudur, a 9th-century Buddhist temple complex. More ancient religious monuments can be found in the Dieng Plateau, where centuries-old Hindu temples stand beneath conical volcanoes and plumes of sulfur steam.

If you are looking for a challenge, embark on a walk to the summit of an active volcano, the smoldering peak of Mount Merapi. Hire a guide and make the trek from the last village on the northern slopes. You can also go rafting at the Elo and Serayu-Progo rivers or explore the cave systems in Goa Barat Kebumen. Enticing tropical waters and coral gardens await in the marine national park of Karimunjawa.

Reach Central Java via plane to Yogyakarta or Solo. Major cities are linked by train. It is easy to get around by public bus, private car and taxi. Whether you’re indulging in a lavish hotel, enjoying a local homestay or camping on a volcano top, there’s accommodation to suit every budget and activity in Central Java.

Popular cities in Central Java

Borobudur Temple
Known for Temples, Sunrises and Sunsets
The world’s largest Buddhist temple dominates the surrounding landscape. This ancient architectural spectacle is a must-see attraction on any Java itinerary.

Reasons to visit

  • Borobudur Temple
  • Punthuk Setumbu Hill
  • Candi Pawon
Central Java which includes general coastal views as well as an individual femail
Known for Culture, Hills and Recreation
Semarang is calling! Discover its culture, horseback riding, fishing, and more.

Reasons to visit

  • Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
At the museum no photos are allowed which is really unfortunate as it was well worth the visit and the guided tour is definitely not to be missed. In the museum there are even Batik made from the Dutch era which depicts stories like Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White!

I enjoyed the tour v much and at the end of the tour we were brought to this room where the artisan were working on hand drawn batik.

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia for anyone interested in learning more about the process of batik making.

Firstly, a cloth is washed, soaked and beaten with a large mallet. Patterns are drawn with pencil and later redrawn using hot wax, usually made from a mixture of paraffin or bees wax, sometimes mixed with plant resins, which functions as a dye-resist. The wax can be applied with a variety of tools. A pen-like instrument called a canting (IPA: [tʃantiŋ], sometimes spelled with old Dutch orthography tjanting) is the most common. A canting is made from a small copper reservoir with a spout on a wooden handle. The reservoir holds the resist which flows through the spout, creating dots and lines as it moves. For larger patterns, a stiff brush may be used. Alternatively, a copper block stamp called a cap (IPA: [tʃap]; old spelling tjap) is used to cover large areas more efficiently.

After the cloth is dry, the resist is removed by scraping or boiling the cloth. The areas treated with resist keep their original color; when the resist is removed the contrast between the dyed and undyed areas forms the pattern. This process is repeated as many times as the number of colors desired.

The most traditional type of batik, called batik tulis (written batik), is drawn using only the canting. The cloth need to be drawn on both sides and dipped in a dye bath three to four times. The whole process may take up to a year; it yields considerably finer patterns than stamped batik.

Source: Wikipedia
Known for Culture, Castle and Zoo
Get away to relaxing Surakarta! Enjoy the culture, castle, and aquarium.
Known for Adventure, Forests and Football
Escape to Purwokerto! Enjoy its adventures, forests, and football.
Known for Golf, Monuments and Historical
Get away to Cilacap! Enjoy the golf, monuments, and history.
Known for Recreation, Rafting and Volcano
With magnificent Buddhist temples, mountains, museums and waterfalls, this city on the island of Java appeals to nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts and culture fans.