Where to stay

in Champigny-sur-Marne

We'd like to help you find something that's as perfect in atmosphere as it is in location.

Travelers to Champigny-sur-Marne like its museums. If you're looking for some cultural stops on your trip, Musee De La Resistance Nationale is a highlight. You might also make a stop by Parc du Tremblay while you're visiting. Whether you're looking to stay in a trendy neighborhood or you're interested in a more secluded spot, we'd like to help you find a great place in Champigny-sur-Marne.

Best places to stay offering breakfast

B&B HOTEL Champigny-sur-Marne is a hotel with free WiFi and air conditioning. Comfort Hotel Champigny Sur Marne is a hotel with free WiFi and free bottled water. You'll also be located within 1.2 mi (2km) of Musee De La Resistance Nationale.

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Best places to stay for families

Comfort Hotel Champigny Sur Marne is a hotel featuring free WiFi and free cribs.

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Top luxury accommodations in Champigny-sur-Marne

Camping Paris Est is a 4-star property that's a favorite with luxury travelers. It comes with a restaurant and a bar and is top-rated for its prime location and helpful staff.

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Best places to stay for travelers on a budget

Camping Paris Est is a 4-star property for cost-conscious travelers and includes free parking and a restaurant. Guests appreciate its prime location and helpful staff. It's located a short 13-minute walk from Le Petit Pont.

Recommended hotels

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