Where to stay

in Honalo

We'd like to help you find something that checks all your boxes.

Travelers to Honalo like its beaches, restaurants, and shopping. Get out and about and explore some top attractions like Kona Le'a Plantation and Higashihara Park. Kona Country Club and Haleo Luau are a few other top places to visit nearby if you're interested in checking out the surrounding area. Whether you're looking to stay in a trendy neighborhood or you'd like to be a little more tucked away, you'll be sure to find your ideal place to stay in Honalo.

Best places to stay offering breakfast

Ultimate Coffee Farm Get Away is a property that offers an outdoor pool and in-room kitchens that's well-liked for its prime location and helpful staff.

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Best places to stay for couples

Ultimate Coffee Farm Get Away is a property featuring amenities like private pools and an outdoor pool, and couples like its prime location and helpful staff.

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Best places to stay for families

Ultimate Coffee Farm Get Away is a property featuring an outdoor pool and in-room kitchens that guests like for its helpful staff and central location. Kona Coffee Farm experience, incredible ocean views, secluded,10 mins from Kona is a property featuring in-room kitchens and a barbecue grill.

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Best places to stay with pools

Ultimate Coffee Farm Get Away is a property featuring an outdoor pool and a private pool. Guests like its prime location and helpful staff. You'll also be close to Teshima's and Kaya's.

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Cities near Honalo